Thursday, July 12, 2007

Unhappy dissent

Where's all the noise lately about the new John Howard plan to send scores of police, military and doctors into Aborginal communities under the rouse of protecting the children from sexual abuse?

Now what's wrong with this picture? Plenty if you ask me. I don't know about everyone else, (except from those whose opinions were highlighted on TV,) but alarm bells were going off furiously in my head from the first moment the words 'child protection' and 'military' were said in the same sentence on the National News.

(If you're not familiar with Australian Politics go to the below link for a more detailed account of the situation:),20867,21947691-601,00.html

Ok, so I don't doubt for a minute that there are some serious issues going on with child abuse in the Aboriginal community. Here's a people who have been abused for generations, their culture and their people and their self-identity has been decimated. Abuse breeds abuse and so our own race and culture have contributed to this modern state of affairs. None of this information is news to Australians. So why now Mr Howard? Why so suddenly and forcefully? You have to ask yourself the question on what this man's motivations are. 'Honest John' doesn't do anything without an ulterior motive. He has a long history of lying to his constituents and why should we expect that this instance is going to be any different? I think it's the height of naivity to assume that Mr Howard is doing this for altruistic reasons. So the next logical question then is, why is he doing this? What's in it for him?

Let's just stop and ask ourselves how white Australia might respond if John Howard decided to send police, military forces and doctors into a white community that had statisitical wide spread child abuse and threatened to remove their social security pensions if they didn't comply with his laws, or if they decided to take back possession of their housing commission homes, the ones they'd spent years on a waiting list for and had begun to pay off. I mean where are you in those neigbourhoods John? There's a white estate just down the road here that could use your help.

All you have to do is drive through the main street and if you know anyone in that estate, you'll also know the gossip. Someone will tell you that that little girl sitting on her bike over on the curb had to go to hospital because her father raped her violently. That guy who stands on the side of the road when cars go past with the dark glasses on is Stanley and everyone knows that Stanley's done time for peadophilia. Those two kids with heads too small for their bodies there? Brother and Sister, caught having sex behind the school bike shed. Their Mum was an alcoholic and drank through both her pregnancies, used to actually feed the kids dope when they were still in a high chair. Flasher in that house there, guy in that house on your right comes out every few months and shoots his rifle off into the air - Viet Vet. The guy next door buried his mother and father in the back yard and cops finally got him when the insurance money came in and he bought three new cars in the same week. That fat lady with no bra on walked naked down the street last night, mad as a hatter, so where the HELL ARE YOU JOHN? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU MAL BROUGH, in MY local lower socio-economic neighbourhood? Your policies are inconsistent, and LOADED with something sinister and self-serving. Don't fool yourself here. Child protection is not the main motivation but only the cover and Australians are by and large an ignorant, racist bunch who are happy enough to believe John Howard's lies.

Does it seem reasonable that there needs to be a military presence storming in suddenly to deal with social, health and welfare issues? How humiliating and degrading for the people of those communities, I'm talking about the ones that don't abuse their own children. And how many Aboriginal children were abused by white caretakers in the Stolen Generation? How arrogant of us to be repeating the same mistake.

Does it seem justifiable that John Howard is disregarding the Racial Discrimination Act to impose separate laws on black people to white people? Or that he feels justified in over riding Northern Territory laws to implement his plan? Why aren't people alarmed at the blatant acts of racial discrimination his government are commiting in the name of compassion?

Does it seem logical that he needs to take control back of the land Indigenous people had stolen off them and worked so hard to win back? Of course bloody not. There is no possible sensible reason he needs to do this.

I don't think enough Australians remember their year 8 history lessons well enough. Germany was easily ruled by a madman in the wake of the terrible hardship their nation endured after the first World War. Lesson, everything Hitler said sounded reasonable at the time because they needed to believe it.

(A quick refreshing history lesson on national politics and collective pysche: )

I do not understand how a man who has stripped us of Industrial Relation Workplace Laws that protects workers against employees, a man who breeds fear into his people constantly and unrelentlessly over the idea of this vague enemey of terrorism, (one he himself has created by backing the Americans,) a man who wants to snip away at the social security safety net that protects the wounded and weak of our society, a man who has allowed the atrocities of detention centres to even exist, defying basic human and civil rights, can still be leading our country and making still more decisions to disempower and violently, ignorantly and cruelly cause even more suffering to minority groups that he and his elite cronies consider unworthy of basic human rights. What is wrong with you Australia?? This man is a DESPOT! A psychopath! This man is a terrorist! He is the abuser and we are the abused. The whole nation is suffering from some sort of sick man/wife abusive relationship. The sad thing is, by the time the wife usually realises just how bad it is and decides to leave once and for all, she's usually been damaged beyond repair.

If you like me, feel any sense of outrage and disempowerment, at least email the bastard and get it off your chest.

But don't be surprised if the neo-McCarthyites come knocking on your door to interrogate you.

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